Yesterday, other than going to the doctor, I ran some errands in town. I had to go to the bank, go to the insurance company (twice) and to the doctor as mentioned before. I didn’t have much time at the gym, but I went anyway. The speaker in the dressing room still doesn’t work! HA HA HA! When I came home Hélène asked me if I wanted to watch a movie with her and Yves-Marie. I WAS INVITED INTO THE FAMILY ROOM! Alert the media! I politely accepted the invitation. I don’t think that I’m going to talk to her about the “family room” issue. Like I said before, I don’t think she knows that she was rude. She was stressed and her daughter was trying to play the cello (it sounds like a dying cow). I’ll just have to get over it and go on with life. I never went in there that much anyway.
We watched a movie that took place in Québec (which means that everyone spoke French with an accent from Québec). I couldn’t understand a word. I just sat there getting sicker and sicker. When the movie finished I asked Hélène if she had anything for pain. She was very sweet. She gave me a pain pill (like Tylenol™) and some sort of liquid called Acti Soufre™ (it tastes like sun screen). I then went to bed and woke up wanted to shoot myself!
Today I went to class and the professor couldn’t talk because his voice was so hoarse! Something is going around and I do not like it! After class I studied for a test that I had in the next class. I wanted to fall asleep on the ground in front of God and everybody! I took the test without any problems and then I had lunch. I ate with my French friends that I went out with the other night! It wasn’t easy to talk to them because I couldn’t hear anything because of the junk in my ears! It wasn’t just French that I couldn’t understand. My friend Marie said something to me in english and I didn’t understand a word she was saying!
After my final class of the day I went home and slept for two hours. I then had dinner with Yves and Benedict because Hélène and Yves-Marie were in town for Yves-Marie’s birthday. Now I’m at the café with Rachel who has brought me some cold medicine! Thank you Rachel!
4 commentaires:
Cole - i miss you bro. I love hearing about your fun adventures...i also look forward to the hundred more things i learn from you about the wonderful French culture! Hope all is well... while Penland is great... it just isn't the same without Cole Christoper Casper!
... From Kenny
hahaha- "it sounds like a dying duck" try learning to play the violin, it sounds even worse! (i'm in the quiet part of the library and i definitly laughed outloud!) we miss you cole!!
...or dying cow. they both are funny. ha
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