I hope you sitting down mom when you read this! When I got to the gym it was leg day so I went to work out my calve muscles. I found two weights and an aerobic step so that I could hold the weights and stand on the edge of the step to do calve raises. When I went to step up on the step it wasn’t as sturdy as I thought it would be. Needless to say, it went flying under me (breaking in the process) and I fell flat on my face letting the weights hit the ground with MUCH force and noise! I felt like an idiot! My new friend from the day before was there to enjoy this little escapade. As soon as I bit the dust, the lady from the front desk ran to the stairs to say “IS EVERYTHING ALRIGHT UP THERE?!?!” I wanted to hide under a rock! I even told everyone in the gym that I wanted to hide under a rock! I was SO embarrassed! Imagine falling on your face and then having to explain, in a foreign, to the lady at the front desk why you broke the aerobic step! She was very nice! She told me that she was more concerned that I was alright! God bless her! Her name is Véronique. She is very kind!
After my nice little adventure I went home for dinner and then out with Rachel and Lyse! YAY! We went to a café and then to another café and then tried to go to a Reggae concert. The concert had been moved to a place far away from Centre Ville, so we went to a night club instead. It was hot and loud, but we ordered some Coca-Cola™ and danced a bit. It was fun. Lyse was very nice. After our soirée we all walked Rachel home and then I walked Lyse home. She lives nearby, so it wasn’t that long for me to have to walk.
Sunday: GREAT DAY! This was one of the greatest Easters ever! I went to church with Rachel and Linden and then to church with Yves-Marie, Yves, and Louis-Henri. When we got home there were a bunch of family members waiting in the living room! It was SO exciting! We all had lunch together and chatted! That night I went to the movies with all of the cousins. One of the cousins, Arthur, was very enthralled with the fact that I am American. He asked me if we really had ceiling fans like in the movies. When I said yes, I thought he was going to faint! It was hilarious!
Monday: Sorry, I have to write quickly because the café is closing! I spent all day talking with Louis-Henri and watching movies! This April when I have some free time I’m going to go visit him in Bordeaux! If I will devote a future post entirely to Louis-Henri, but now I have to hurry! Good-bye for now!