I sent Andrew an e-mail saying:
"I hope things are going well in France! What is it like?"
This is what he said in reply: "Wow, that's a big question. To start with, French keyboards are weird. The a, m, q, and w are all in wrong places. And don't even get me started on where the punctuation marks are.
Other than that, Caen is incredible. Absolutely gorgeous. I haven't had much time to explore the city because to date my classes consume most of the day. That will change after next Monday, when one of my classes finishes. All the French students are really friendly and outgoing. I think I'm going to try to get a house closer to Caen because from where I am now, I have a 45 minute commute each way. It's a little lonely and difficult to be here without anyone I know, but it is giving me a chance to imoprove my French. My oral comprehension is improving so much.
In short, Caen is incredible and I can't wait for all of you guys to get here. Though I have been invited to go skiing in the Alps the week you guys arrive. We'll see what happens with that. Get excited cause this semester is going to be freakin sweet *insert 30 second pause as i search for the exclamation mark*!"