When Yves and his friends first came to the house, it was a bit awkward. I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t want to just march in there and say, “Howdy ya’ll! I’m the American living in the spare bedroom upstairs! How are ya’ll doing?” Eventually I thought of something to say and Yves and his friend Alexis (boy) came into my room to talk for about two minutes. I must not be that interesting. When they left I just sat in my room on the computer until Yves called me to eat. When I got to the table there were more people and everyone stared at me (zoo exhibit), so I said to the people I hadn’t yet met, “vous êtes?” (ya’ll are?). I was asking them what their names were, but instead Yves said, “ils sont Français” (They’re French). Thanks Yves! I didn’t gather that at first! When I sat down to eat, they started talking ninety to nothing about Lord knows what! They were talking too fast for me to understand, and they were using words I’d never heard of before. I wanted to burst out into song just to break the ice, but I don’t think they were very interested in me. Instead they just talked about farting and the teachers at school who they think are gay (typical of most highschoolers world wide). I also discovered that Yves has a girlfriend! ALERT THE MEDIA! Apparently this is a big deal because he doesn’t want his parents to know! (I hope they’re not reading this blog!) He told me that I couldn’t say anything because Catholic families don’t like their children to date until they’re adults. I hate to break it to you Yves, but I don’t think that’s a Catholic thing! Your parents just told you that so they would have a reason for not wanting you to date people! But I promise I won’t say a word to anyone in the world!
Beaches. That means that every person at that particular bus stop at that particular hour happened to be American. THEY’RE FOLLOWING ME!
At the beach we took a lot of photos and enjoyed the cool ocean breeze (COLD). After that we went into this little town by the beach where we found the best bakery in the world! The baker made us fresh sandwiches and served us some amazing deserts. We were in heaven! We then found a spot to sit and eat. While we were eating we ran into the other Americans again. They were chatting with us when I noticed that someone had dropped a brownie on the ground. I then loudly said, "Is that a terd or a brownie?" Rachel poked me, told me that it was a brownie, and reminded me that these people don't know me. At that I just looked at the other Americans and said, "Don't step in the brownie!" After that we took a bus back to Caen and took some pictures as the sun was setting on the city. It was amazing!
Tomorrow Rachel, Linden, and Jonathan will be joining me for church! I am so excited! I hope I become good friends with these French people!
Tomorrow Rachel, Linden, and Jonathan will be joining me for church! I am so excited! I hope I become good friends with these French people!