The next day we went to a German Lutheran Church. It was interesting! I couldn’t understand a word that was being said, so I was a bit board; however, It was a very cultural experience! After that we found a little flee market where I bought a pin that says “Deutschland” for my backpack. We then toured the town of Hanover a bit and saw the high points. C’était vachement génial ! After walking through town we ate at a very nice and cheep restaurant near Sarah and Sean’s apartment. Laura and Sean tried to teach me some German words, but I wasn’t quite picking it up. Oh well. I thought that maybe French would be useful in Germany, but I was extremely wrong! Everybody in Germany speaks English. Even bums speak English. It’s crazy! If I had wanted to study German, I would have probably cried without ceasing! I’m a blessed that most French people don’t speak fluent English! That won’t be the case in just a few years, but for now ça va!

The next day Sarah and I took a stroll through the town while are friends wrote essays. They had to take an online class back at their home campus in San Angelo and they had to do homework while we were there – HOW RUDE! Sarah and I walked through the town together and found a really cool park. We took some pictures next to some old gazebo and some random German lady walked by and said something. I had no clue what she was saying, so I just said, “JA!” which is German for yes. After that we met back up with our friends and went to dinner. Sara and Sean took us to this really nice but cheap restaurant. They gave you a free bottle of wine if you buy two meals off of the same menu! Seeing as how I have become temporarily French, I was very happy! Don’t worry Sharia; I will become American again before I come back to Baylor! I’ve never been drunk in my life, but the bottle of wine that Sarah and I shared did make us both very happy to be alive!
The next day Sarah and I departed for Hamburg where we would be taking our flight to Paris. When we got off of the train, some young guy asked me for money and I went ahead and gave him a little bit. Later on, Sarah and I were trying to figure out how we were going to pay for the lockers for our luggage considering that we had no coins. That’s when I saw the same guy walk by and approached him to ask for change (I KNEW HE HAD SOME!). When I asked him he started to tell me his story again. I just stoped him by saying, “Yeah, I already know… remember…I gave you some money…do you have change for a five?” He did and he gave it to me! After that we wondered around town for a while and waited for our friends to arrive in Hamburg to say goodbye. While we waited we went into a café and I ordered coffee for us using four of the nineteen German words I know! I was very proud! When they finally got there we took some pictures and said farewell. Sarah and I then tried to navigate the Hamburg Airport. It wasn’t that hard. As a matter of fact, we were so early that we ended up being some of the first ones at our gate. Sarah was getting sick in the process and really not excited that her first time in Paris would be remembered as a sick time.