dimanche 30 mars 2008


Today I went to my Simulation Globale class and we wrote a fake petition for our fictitious lives. At the end of class the professor told us that our homework was to get as many (real) signatures from French people as possible! CRAZY! My friend Helena said that she would just go into random bars and tell people to sign it without asking questions. Tonight at dinner I had Yves-Marie sign it and he wrote, “Mohamed Sidi Ben Basculante” Ben Basculante is a place to put things in your car. He had Benedict write Begzouille la Eripouille. That doesn’t mean anything. After my class I had lunch with friends and had another class. I then worked out at the gym (safely) and came home for dinner.

Before dinner Hélène told me that she had bad news (she was grinning) she announced to me that Louis-Henri would be coming back the week-end after this week-end! I almost tinkled in my pants! LOUIS-HENRI! That’s going to be AMAZING! During dinner Benedict was looking at a horse magazine because she LOVES horses! Yves-Marie jokingly asked Benedict if she preferred riding donkeys or horses. That’s when Yves decided to make the comment, “Who cares? They’re both good for eating!” I thought Benedict was going to cry! Through the rest of the meal he made random comments about eating horses. That’s when Hélène said, “You know Cole; in France French people eat horses!” Thank you Hélène for confirming that stereotype! If I come home and smell something awkward cooking and Benedict has gone so mad that she’s decided to chew on the sofa, I’ll know to eat at McDonalds! For the rest of the evening I listed to Disney songs in French. I need a life!

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