Tonight I went out with Rachel to meet our new French friends at O’Donnell’s. We were very excited and I was very nervous! When we first got there we thought that we had been stood up because we couldn’t find our friends. When we decided to look outside, we finally found one of the girls. She welcomed us and introduced us to her other friends. She then took us inside and we sat at the back of the bar with tons of others. At one point it was just me sitting with eight French girls. It was crazy! I looked for my new friend Julia, but she didn’t come until later. When she finally came she was with her friend Tibo. At first I thought that Tibo might be her boyfriend, but it became obvious quickly that he and I don’t bat for the same team if you know what I mean. Tibo was probably more interested in me than he was in her.
After a while I asked, just for kicks and giggles, our friend Emmanuel if Julia and Tibo were dating. This turned out to be a riot. Everyone started laughing. Emmanuel told me that they were just friends and that Julia was single. She then asked me if I was seeing anyone in the United States. I told her that I wasn’t and then she asked me if I worked out. This was a bit weird, but I went ahead and responded. She then said to Julia, “Hey! Look at him! He works out!” This, again, was weird. I think this scared her away. For the rest of the night Julia spent her time running away from my presence. I didn’t even say anything!
I finally went into a room full of people where everyone was dancing. Rachel was there, so we decided to join in. We started jumping and swaying and singing. It was fun…for about ten minutes. We finally got too hot and went outside to chill down. I then asked Rachel why she thought Julia was being so distant. She just told me that it wasn’t worth my time and that I should just try to have fun no matter what. She was right, but we didn’t end up having fun after that. Linden had come earlier in the night, so the three of us walked around and tried to have conversations with these people in a very noisy environment. I went to talk to the other girls in the group we were with, but they seemed to be having a bad time. It was very discouraging. Out of all of them, Julia was the one with such a cold shoulder. She wouldn’t even look at me. I don’t know what her problem was, but (allow me to be slightly conceited) she missed out! If she wants to sit on a bar stool and ignore someone who hasn’t even done anything to her, may she be content in knowing that she ruined her own night. If she was playing hard to get, she lost! As we would say in the USA, bye-bye!
With all that being said, tomorrow is a new day! Cafés here I come! I’m never gonna stop the rain by complaining; because I’m free! Nothing’s worrying me!
1 commentaire:
If the offering to pay thing is a cultural faux pas and now she realized your single - she could have been acting that way because she thought you liked her, and she didn't know how to react to that in public (which you kinda do/did). Girls are funny, Cole. We do stupid stuff and later realize that we shouldn't have done it. Hopefully that will happen with her so that there is a possibility of a friendship. If not, then it's not's bye bye bye (insert silly NSYNC dance in the car with Sharia, me and Morgan). :) In many ways I wish I could speak faculty in residence and my program director often converse in French, and I haven't a clue what they are saying. It's a good thing you are so good at it - otherwise the friendship building would be much more difficult. Oh - and by the way - you made my day today! I was in Sharia's office when she checked her voicemail and it was YOU...YOU!!! It was great to hear your voice - it made me smile. :) I hope you have a great weekend Cole!
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