Paris was great! You might go ahead and read the posts before this one to see what all happened.
Today I woke up at 6h00 to go and purchase bread. Now that I am alone in the house, I have to buy the bread every morning if I want breakfast. When I got to the bakery, they were still closed! I was very mad as I thought that French people woke up at 4h00 to make bread! This isn’t so! I went back home, slept some more, and woke up at 7h09 to go back and buy the bread. They were open this time!
I made it to school on time for my very boring writing class. I seriously fell asleep with the professor looking straight at me! It was alright everyone else was doing the same. After class I had lunch with Marie (USA), Min (China), Min’s friend (China), Amanda (USA), Helena (Finland), and Helena’s friend (Finland). Everyone spoke English because it was easiest. English is making me sick! That’s not why I came here! Marie looked at me during lunch and said, “I am praying that you find someone here in France to marry because you truly love this country!” That was very thoughtful of her! She made me feel much better about speaking English for a few minutes.
After lunch we had an oral test. It wasn’t too bad (I don’t think). I then headed home and ran into one of my new French friends near the tram stop. He was very nice and came up to say hi. I was so excited to talk French again! I then went home to take a nap. I was SO tired from this morning’s writing class!
Tonight we had steak for dinner. By “we” I mean me, myself, and I. Because it was up to me to make dinner, I decided we would go for the protein for a change! The company wasn’t that interesting, but the food was good! I ended up opening a window and listening to the cars pass by as I ate. It was boring. I then went up to my room to do some homework and write this blog. Here I am. It’s now 00h09 (12:09am) and I must go to sleep so that I don’t fall asleep in class again! Goodnight!
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