Today I went to church with Jonathan and Rachel. We rode the tram to church with our friend Carley from England. Church was very nice. One of the songs was called Emmanuel. It’s the same tune to a song called Emmanuel in the USA, but it was obviously in French. The reason I mention this song is because it has sort of been the theme of the past few days. Emmanuel means God with us. When Rachel and I met those three French girls, you might remember that one of them was named Emmanuel. Rachel pointed that out to me. I know that things have been tough, but I also know that God is with me. I don’t know what the heck He’s doing, but I know he is here! A friend of mine (JOHN KITCH!) recently reminded me of something I used to always say: If would be rude if God gave you a passion for something and never allowed it to be fruitful. That isn’t to say that God is rude by any stretch of the imagination, but that if God weren’t God, then He would give useless passions. God is God; therefore, His passions are always intentional. I hope that is understandable! In so many words, what I’m saying is that something good will happen! Just wait!
I’m in that café again with my friend Carley from England, my friend Dion from Jamaica, and Jonathan. We’re just here hanging out and enjoying the happy English music playing in the background. Because I have to come here for the internet, please understand that if I don’t post one day, it’s not because nothing happened, but because I am a bit restricted! I will write something every day in my temporary blog I have saved in word, but I won’t always get to post it right away. Some days I might have several posts from several days, so always look back to see if anything happened previously. I’m still a bit taken by the fact that the internet won’t work, so I will be having an intentional conversation with my family tonight at dinner. €23 per day is a lot to have to pay just to sleep in a room! Without the internet at the apartment I’m not able to call anyone from Skype at midnight in France. I guess I could walk down to Centre Ville and hope the café wifi is on at midnight, but that would be quite a bit of trouble! If you’re used to talking to me on Skype, please forgive me for never being online! I’ll do my best to fix things! I’m an American right? I’ll see what a little American complaining does, but I’m not guaranteeing much. You might receive another ranting blog post, but I’ll pray that the necessity isn’t such!
2 commentaires:
Ugh, I was almost done writing my commentary and then my computer closed the internet when I tried to close another window - grrr! Gosh, let see if I can recount my thoughts...
It's been a busy start to a long week before Spring Break. I'm ready for it. I have to work, but most of the big dogs will be at NASPA in Boston, so things should be pretty relaxed around here. I just wish it would hurry up!
Ever since you posted originally about Emmanuel, I've been singing it in my head. I think it's the Amy Grant version - Sharia has it on CD and played it around Xmas time - and the tune has stuck with me ever since. I've always heard O come O come Emmanuel in church, but I had not heard this version. It's so nice to know that He is with us, but challenging at the same time. If God is with us, then why doesn't he react to our emotions? I know He has a plan and will reveal it in time, however, I often wish He would manipulate his plan, I don't know if manipulate is the word, maybe alter would be a better choice. So, if God felt us feeling frustrated, upset, etc. - couldn't he make the change we so desire in our lives? Or, is it in His plan for us to feel that way? I'm sure it's in the plan, but when you are in the midst of it, it really sucks. Life cannot be perfect all the time, but it's hard to submit everything to Him. I do it because I have faith, but I always have a secret desire for God to let me write a bit of my own story. I do, however, think he does give me some of these opportunities, but I don't always know it at the time. Regardless, I feel your frustration, I have some of my own and I pray for a resolve that will release the anger from our hearts. It's normal to be angry, but I don't feel we can draw as closely to God as we need to with the anger inside. That is my prayer for you and me this week, that God will provide for us and that we will find peace. I hope that means getting internet back in the house for you, but I suppose we will see what happens.
Well there you have it. It's not exactly what I wrote the first time, but it is what I wanted to share. Emmanuel!
So, I'm posting again, even though you haven't had the chance to post. I wrote that post early this morning and now it's after midnight. I wanted to share that I truly felt the presence of God today. I've had a few sticky situations with residnets and one in particular today could have gone really south, however, it went fantastically amazing. I hope that trend continues, I'm not sure it will but, I felt the presence of God and know that He is with us through it all. Emmanuel! :)
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