If there is one thing that I’ve learned thus far it is this: If when you look back and miss the things you once had, this means that you’ve had a good life so far! When doing something new, it is important that one never forgets where they came from, but also to look forward to the things that one will soon look back upon and miss. 
Today was a good day. I went to the university at 9h45 to meet my friends from Baylor. I helped them get their student IDs and pay for insurance. We then went to eat at the university cafeteria. I was hoping that we would find some French people to talk with, but we pretty much ate as a group. I got very excited because a blond French girl came and sat next to me. My friends were very happy for me, except for the fact that she wasn’t French but American. I was very funny, but I’m not losing hope!

My friend Linden ran into a guy that is actually staying in the same house as her for the next couple of weeks. He is from Finland and knows five languages! And I though two was hard! He spent part of the day with us as we ventured into town. We went to get our bus and tram passes so that we wouldn’t have to pay every time we wanted to go to school. Things went well for the most part except for the fact that the lady who helped Rachel get her pass was very rude and ended up charging her extra for some packet of coupons of which she could care less! (
photo on the left) We were both enraged! I almost told the lady that she was the reason some Americans don’t like the French.
Latter on we went for some coffee and began to discuss our financial situation with our host families. Someone said that we were paying an extra $3,000USD to stay with families. I became a bit depressed at this, but later on found out that what I was paying wasn’t anything near $3,00USD. I was also depressed as I thought that I would never meet any French people, but I became very assured as I prayed on my way home and had a very nice conversation with my adopted mother. Today is her birthday and her husband is taking her out. They are such a nice family! She told me that I could come home whenever I wanted because I am “of age”. This was a bit of a relief as I thought I would have to be home every night by 9h00 or so!
I also got a cell phone today, so if anyone wants to give a shout out to France, call (33)!
Right now I am responding to some e-mails from my friends back in the US and listening to country music. I really do miss the United States, but know that I will soon become very used to things here and hopefully make some good French friends. Please pray that the Lord will place some amazing people in my life that will become good friends forever! I love my American friends, but they agree with me that we are going to need to be submersed into the culture and that we need to meet other French people. That sounds like we’re breaking up doesn’t it? We still want to see each other, but we also want to see other people at the same time!
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