Hélène: First and foremost, I finally decided to talk to Hélène about the un-invitation into the family room. Last Tuesday I went downstairs before dinner and had the following conversation: (keep in mind that the conversation is being translated from French to english)
Moi (me)- “Hélène, I just had a quick question about something that happened last Saturday.”
Elle (her)- “Yes Cole!”
Moi- “I was a bit confused when you told me that I couldn’t be in the family room. I didn’t know that I wasn’t supposed to go in there!”
Elle- “Oh yeah, you understand that we use that room almost as an extension of our bedroom. When Louis-Henri comes to visit he sleeps in there and when Benedict practices the cello she doesn’t like anyone to be in there including her brothers.”
Moi- “I understand, but I have to admit that I was a bit shocked! I had no idea that I wasn’t supposed to be in there! Nobody ever said anything!”
Elle- “Did I not tell you when you first came?”
Moi- “No, you didn’t.”
Elle- “Oh, I am so sorry! That’s my fault!”
Moi- “Like I said, I was a bit shocked… ok, I was very shocked and that’s why I went to my room for the rest of the day.”
Elle- “Oh no! I wondered why you were so quiet! I just thought you were tired!”
Moi- “No, I was shocked!”
Elle- “That’s why you didn’t come down when the company arrived! You usually run down stairs any time friends come over!”
Moi- “No, I was hiding.”
Elle- “I am so sorry!”
Moi- “The reason I went into the family room to begin with was because I saw that you were busy getting ready for the company and I wanted to get out of your way. I could have gone to my room, but you understand that there isn’t really anything in there for me to do. There’s neither internet nor television!”
(I figured she’d tell me to read a book!)
Elle- “That is a shame that the internet doesn’t work anymore! Any time you want to watch T.V, just let me know and we can set aside some time for you! I just have to make sure that the kids have a place to work and that I have a place to work when I’m getting ready for my classes.”
(I’m thinking, “Whatever!” by this point.)
Moi- “Ok, thank you very much!”
Elle- “Is there anything else Cole?”
Moi- “No, that was all!”
Elle- “Ok, we’ll eat in about five minutes!”
After that I felt better, but still think it’s a bit ridiculous that I can’t use the family room. I recently received an e-mail telling me that when she asked if I wanted to watch a movie, I should’ve said “oui” and then sat down at the entrance to the family room in the doorway. This same person also encouraged me to clog the commode out of revenge! You know who you are and I am very proud of you Adam!
Cussing Professor: The other day my professor was trying to explain to our class something that the President of France said in public that was highly looked down upon. In order to explain it to the fullest, he said, “It’s like if President Bush said, ‘F*** YOU!’” I just about fell out of my chair! He saw the expression on my face and said in english, “Sorry!”
Weekend: This weekend Louis-Henri came back into town. Last night Linden came and ate with the family and I and then the three of us; Louis-Henri, Linden, and I, went to La Foire. It’s a local carnival that comes for one month every year. When we got there we rode an attraction that made Linden almost wet her pants with excitement and Louis-Henri almost wet his pants with fear. I thought the poor kid was going to puke! Linden and I then got on this huge arm that goes in circles really high into the sky. It was fun and we had a great view of Caen! Today, Sunday, I went to church and when I left it was SNOWING! WHAT’S THE DEAL!?!? The past few days were beautiful, but today it snowed. I don’t get it!
Sick: I am still sick! I think it’s a virus! If I’m not better in the morning I’ll go back to the doctor. C’est la vie! I have to make sure that I’m better before my parents come to visit! I’m so excited to see them again!
2 commentaires:
Cole Casper!!! How are you, Friend!? I've read a handful of your posts and it sounds like you're having an amazing time! I was quite shocked to read about the family-room incident! (hey don't you know how to flick people off in 5 different (sign)languages at the same time? oops! Did I say that?! :o)
I finish up my first year of graduate school in a few months...crazy! Cincinnati is definitely NOT Texas and in many ways, I miss it back home but ya know, this is a learning experience. Maybe I'll go back to Baylor and teach in the anthropology dept. after I've done my PhD ;o)
Anyway, I just wanted to write and say hello! I miss you, Friend and wish you many more good times while in France!
Hi Cole,
I haven't fallen off the face of the earth, I promise...it's just been a crazy few weeks for me.
I've finally caught up on all of your posts and must say, there is a lot of pants peeing going on - I didn't know my influence would reach overseas!! :) I'm so glad you didn't die in the gym when you fell and know that only you could save face in a situation like that. I'd probably be the kid who never went to that gym again out of embarassment.
So, Brooks Flats, eh? Did you think you wouldn't be there? Come on...you were the perfect fit for the GC-LLC! I'm so excited for you and how the richness of your current experience will allow you to positively influence your peers! I'm glad you got to call Sharia, she was so excited that you called.
Ok, so in regards to the family, I'm glad you finally confronted Helen - you did it well! It definitely stinks about the family room, but do as Adam says - be an ass for awhile, it could be intersting.
So, I was supposed to take Sharia to David's Bridal on Friday to begin the dress trying-on marathon, but Adam informed me that I had to be "sick" or something. It turned out that Carrie, Sharia's friend from grad school, flew in that night to surprise her! Sharia about peed her pants when she arrived. So, we all went dress shopping on Saturday. Let me say, that Sharia Hays looked GOOOOD! She still wants to dress shop in May with her Mom back home to see if she can find a better deal. We'll see what she gets, but we know she'll find something great!
On another important note, I ate a sirloin stake for you on Saturday night at Road House. It was wonderful and I thought of you as I ate it. :)
Christina had her tonsills removed on Friday. She's puny and in a lot of pain. I made her some homemade strawberry icecream with Tim Powers' ice cream maker. It turned out yummy - and it was the first thing she's kept down in 3 days! I hope she continues to keep it down. She said it's not as sweet as processed ice cream - so I'm glad I made it! It was fun, rock salt, ice, churning, la la la!
Anyhoo, I better get myself to bed. Take care of yourself and feel better soon!
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