Here’s a little story I forgot to tell you last night: Last Friday, I was in my grammar class when we decided to take a break to go to the bath room and get a drink. The bathrooms in this particular part of the university are coed. That means that there are girl’s toilets in the same room as the urinals. I was using the men’s portion of the room when a lovely little Chinese girl from our class came in the restroom. When she entered she said, I kid you not, “Cole, can I see?” WHAT? I about lost it! My American friend Sarah was in the restroom at the same time and she couldn’t believe it either. When I was finished doing my business I went to wash my hands while my lovely little Chinese friend was using the toilet. I went to dry my hands right as she was coming out of the toilet closet. As she made her way to the sink, she passed by my Greek-like body and stuck her hand up my shirt. She was probably highly offended when I about jumped back two feet and up another ten! The only thing I could think to say was, “Well, looks like more grammar!” and then I left the restroom! Later on that day I saw her at the tram stop and she grabbed my arm saying, “Ooo! You have a little bit of muscle!” I’m never wearing that t-shirt again around her!
Today, Monday, was good. I’m feeling better and just randomly decided to go to Germany Thursday!!!!!!! I’m going there to meet my childhood friend Sarah Stanford from Texas and then fly with her from Germany to Paris where I will show her and her friends around! YAY! I’m SO excited! After she leaves Paris, my parents are coming! MOMMY! DADDY! The next two weeks are going to be a riot!
Other than that, I went to class this morning where we talked about if we would ever marry a person from another culture. I told the professor that I would, but that my mom wouldn’t like it very much. She only wants me to marry someone from Amarillo. Oh well! When it came time for my lovely little Chinese friend to tell the professor who she would marry, she told the class that she was looking for either a German or an Italian. All of my American friends that knew the story were saying under their breaths, “OR AN AMERICAN!”
After class I went to the gym and then home for dinner. Now I’m here again, talking to you instead of doing my homework! See you soon!
5 commentaires:
Oh my gosh!! I about DIED reading that!! All my roommates think I'm crazy now, but have no fear I'll tell them the story in a moment...but first I have to say... I feel like I should have been there to say to you: "Cole! Show her your muscles! Look little Chinese girl, aren't they big?!" Hahahahahahahahaha. That really is fabulous. Thank you for making my day!
Wow, you got some action in the bathroom - eeeewwwwww! You said you wanted to find love, right? I know that's not what you were looking for, but wow, really wow - I don't have much more to say about that than wow! Oh, and a coed bathroom - that is just freaky to me, especially a public coed bathroom.
So, Christina is still very sick. She isn't holding much down and is not well. Please pray for quick healing for her. We need our sweet healthy Christina to return quickly!
Ok...now if your mom want's you to marry someone from amarillo, I guess that leaves Kali, huh? I can see it now. The two of you would call CMT and ask to be a part of redneck weddings. You are not really red neck, but you could play it off well enough to get CMT to pay for everything. Sharia and I have watched a few episodes and everyone wears camo, wrestles in the mud and eats meat, meat, meat. I think you might rather enjoy it.
Ok, gotta go.
hahahahahahahaha....ok. I have never before read your bolg, but I am soo glad I caught this entry...hahaha
Your just so HOTT COle! And, Your MUscles! wow. Impressing girls all over the world...of course...
And, your parents are gonna be in france?? haha That is gonna be a riot! wow. I wish there was a camera crew following you around for that...cause that is going to be priceless....
Glad to hear things are going well!
(p.s... I hope that this actually posts because there are quite a few words on here that I have no idea what they are directing me to do...haha...)
DIA is tomorrow! I can't wait!! Old school dia...it should be awesome.
We, the alcohol work team, are doing a huge event with the golf carts and the fatal vision goggles - we even have a jail (that's where they get held to receive educative info - since drunk driving should not be fun and games). I'm so pumped!
Ok, so rumor has it that Dr. Lilley wants to get rid of sailor bear. I think I will punch him in the face if that's true because i adore sailor bear! One of my first Baylor gifts was a little stuffed sailor bear key chain.
Ugh, I miss you and can't wait for your return. Baylor's not the same without you!
Cole, I may have told you this already, but if you have the chance, you should go to the Cabaret Au Lapin Agile at 22 Rue des Saules, Paris. This is a very historical bar that was frequented by both Pablo Picasso and Albert Einstein. It is the setting for Baylor Theatre's current production. I know you don't drink, but at least go and check this place out.
I'll see you when you're stateside.
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