Today I was awoken by a phone call from Rachel asking me if I was walking or taking the tram. This seems like a crazy reason to call someone considering that we pay by the minute for our cell phones; however, she was asking because she wanted to know why I was late meeting her downtown. You guessed it, I overslept. I had recently taken the battery out of my phone and this caused me to have to reset the time and date. I unfortunately set the time two hours behind. So when Rachel called me at 7:30 my cell phone’s time, it was actually 9:30 French time. I told her to go ahead and that I would meet her at the church. When she got there she called me to tell me that the service started at 9:30 but that she was going to go ahead and sneak in the back. When I finally got ready, I made my way to the church and found Rachel sitting (somewhat) in the back. At this point they were singing hymns. It was really cool to hear hymns sung in French! Next they gave communion; however, all through communion the people went crazy. Everyone started to pray out loud at once and some people were prophesying. When the prophesying started everyone got quiet to listen. One woman even sang prophesy (with a not so pretty sounding voice). Needless to say, I felt a bit out of place. These sorts of services are nice for some people, but it was a bit much for me. Rachel said that this must be what it’s like when a country so far from God has citizens who hunger for Him so dearly. They not only meet for TWO HOURS every Sunday, but they go crazy when their together. She wasn’t too thrilled with the church, but said she would return if she couldn’t find something a bit calmer. I however, will most definitely look for another place. Not only was the service a bit much, there were nothing but old people. (COLE AND RACHEL –OLD PEOPLE PALACE PART DEUX (2))
After church Rachel and I went to a local bakery and got sandwiches and desserts. We then took them and sat on the castle wall to eat. We talked a bit and then met Linden at the university to look at our class schedule. With this I am not very pleased! You should see this schedule! I have never had more random small bits of free time in all of my life! They didn’t let us pick the schedule for ourselves, so we have no choice but to go with the flow. Some of my friends have Fridays off, but not me. I started missing Baylor a little more. This was yet another reminder that I’m not in Texas anymore. And Rachel’s not in Kansas anymore (I just had to add that)!
After that we went to the Port and got Linden something to eat. We then sat on a bench next to the boats and watched the birds eat all of the leftover food from Sunday’s market. Andrew then met us here and they decided we should go to a café. I’m a bit tired of paying high prices for coffee, so I passed and went home for another nap.
Tonight at dinner Yves-Marie went into the family room to get the dictionary (he likes to read it during dinner for some reason). While he was in there, Benedict ran to the kitchen to grab the butter. Hélène about threw a fit. She told Benedict that she better hurry up before papa returns. She then gave some butter to me and ran the butter back into the kitchen. Benedict also had to wait until Yves-Marie was full before she could bring out the cheese. Tonight we had pasta, bread, salad, and soup. They’re worried about getting fat, but they eat more carbohydrates than any family I know! Someone should tell them; but wait until I leave because there’s no telling what we would eat if we couldn’t have bread!
Tomorrow I will be going to school at 10h40 for one class. I think I’m going to teach these people how to schedule!
1 commentaire:
I'm laughing out loud - seriously - LOL...I can't believe you got published in the paper. It's not quite a riot yet, but I think that's worth some fast food when you get back. Oh how you make me smile Cole Casper! Keep the adventures coming - I love reading them! Baylor misses you too!
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