People keep asking me over and over if I am excited about leaving. Of course I say yes, but that is only one side of a double edged sword. The other side is the side that reminds me of what and who I will be leaving behind. First of all, I will really miss my family! Over these past five weeks that I have spent in Amarillo, I have truly become used to having them around! I know that the second I say goodbye at the airport my mom will start to cry. I know she’s used to not having me home, but me being on another continent has got to be one of the scariest things ever for her! I’ve already said goodbye to all of my friends in Amarillo and at Baylor. They too will be truly missed as I try to make new friends who don’t even speak the same native language as I. I will also miss Baylor itself as our Men and Women’s Basketball teams have been doing so well this season and I am not home to be a part of the excitement.
This has been a crazy experience so far and it hasn’t even started! As I have already mentioned the things that I will miss in this post and my previous post, I have to admit that I am very happy to be getting to go! What an opportunity! I have made many people jealous as I talk about the exciting things that will be coming my way! Even though I will be missing so much, I will also be gaining so much! I will have new experiences that will forever change me as a person! This is the edge of the sword that assures me that I am doing the right thing!
As both of these feelings (excited and scared) mix inside of me, I must say that I’m feeling a bit nauseous! I couldn’t eat any hot sauce tonight at dinner with my family at On the Boarder because it made me feel like my throat was on fire! I have also been subject to something that happens every time my stomach gets upset: gas. This unpleasant occurrence makes me want to warn all of the poor chumps that must sit near me on the eight hour flight from Chicago to Paris!
2 commentaires:
Hey mon petite chou chou! I already miss you you lucky sun of a gun! you better think of me on Snuday when you actually go inside of Notre Dame! Just remember that even though you might have culture shock( or even miss little old Amarillo) for a while this will be an experience of a life time and you're IN FRANCE! anyway much love as you start to parle francais! antoinette
Hey! I hope you have a safe flight and an awesome time! =0)
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