Monday morning when I tried to call my dermatologist and make an appointment, I discovered that I wouldn’t be able to see her until February 13th! Obviously this would not be ok, so I called my family physician only to receive a busy signal. I called back numerous times only to receive the same response. As I was sitting in my computer room at home freaking out that I would never make it to France because an infection would take over my face, I just prayed. As soon as I did, I called back my family physician and the call actually went through. When the lady answered the phone I asked if there were any appointments open for that day. She told me that they were full because they are only open for half of the day on Mondays. I recognized the voice as the wife of my physician (friends of our family) and said, “Donna? This is Cole Casper.” She said, “Oh hi Cole! What’s the problem?” I told her my situation and then asked if she had any appointments open for Tuesday. She then asked me how quick I could make it to the office and scheduled me in as the last patient of the day. I couldn’t get to the office quick enough! When I got there, my doctor diagnosed Odysseus (not actually a zit) with some form of staph or strep infection that required death by antibiotic. He prescribed me with the medication and things have finally cleared up!
That same day I was also concerned that I would never get a new laptop to replace my old laptop that had become antiquated. I found the laptop that I needed, but Best Buy wasn’t guaranteed to get it in until next week and nobody else in town had it in stock. However, that evening my dad decided to stop by Best Buy one more time to check and they told us to come in later on that evening. Sure enough, the truck that brought in the next shipment had the laptop I needed! Praise the Lord!
So, I am now sitting at my new laptop typing this message to you with a nose that no longer resembles Bozo! And people think that praying is stupid!
1 commentaire:
When I tried your card, it didn't have enough on it to get you. I was talikng to the card guy when you tried to call me back. The card I bought costs over $2.00 a minute because I'm calling a cell phone. It only costs $.33 a minute to call (using the global card), land line to land line. I put another $10.00 on the card to call you back but your line was busy. Ask your family if we can call you on their phone if we pay or I guess we'll have to try the computer. Please let me know!
Love, Mom
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