mardi 13 mai 2008

Ca RE-Recommence!

For those of you still keeping up with this blog despite my lack of faithfulness, bless you! Today you will find three blog posts. The first one is the one you are currently reading, the second is Part I of my two week voyage, and the third one is about my trip to Versailles. Each day I post there will be another part of the two week voyage, so there should be quite a bit to read in the near future. There will also be a future post about my trip to Tours in the Loire Valley. Lord willing, I will have all of my trips archived BEFORE I return to the USA. We’ll see how that goes!

As of today there are 25 days left for me in France. I am sad and happy at the same time. I know that once I get home to Amarillo that France will be missing from me like crazy! I will probably also start to use certain French terms like the one you just read. What I meant to say was that I will miss France; however, in France I would say that France will be missing from me. It’s ok; I often speak French using English terms. C’est la vie!

This is my last week of classes and then I will be starting finals. If you think about it, please pray that things go well! Be looking for updates!

1 commentaire:

Anonyme a dit…

Hi Cole!

Wow, it's been a busy semester. I'm ok with the fact that you haven't been posting, because I have not been checking!! We officially closed down today, people graduated, etc. It was a good closedown - much better than last year. My staff was awesome and had a lot of fun with everything.

So have you heard, I'm moving to Collins next year to be the director. Yes, you can pick up your jaw, I said Collins. It'll be an adventure, I'm sure. Please come visit me there...I will need some male interaction to balance out 600 women.

Anyhoo, I absolutely cannot wait until you come back to Waco!! For Summer Institute - the fancy name for Hall Director Training - we will have a "get to know Baylor" session and would like a Chamber member (aka YOU) to lead out with that and maybe a campus tour. I'm sure we can squeeze some time out of your busy scheudle for that - or at least I hope. I can't imagine doing it myself - and the thought of that must make you squirm!! lol Anyhoo, I love you lots and miss you bunches!!
