As of today there are 25 days left for me in France. I am sad and happy at the same time. I know that once I get home to Amarillo that France will be missing from me like crazy! I will probably also start to use certain French terms like the one you just read. What I meant to say was that I will miss France; however, in France I would say that France will be missing from me. It’s ok; I often speak French using English terms. C’est la vie!
This is my last week of classes and then I will be starting finals. If you think about it, please pray that things go well! Be looking for updates!
1 commentaire:
Hi Cole!
Wow, it's been a busy semester. I'm ok with the fact that you haven't been posting, because I have not been checking!! We officially closed down today, people graduated, etc. It was a good closedown - much better than last year. My staff was awesome and had a lot of fun with everything.
So have you heard, I'm moving to Collins next year to be the director. Yes, you can pick up your jaw, I said Collins. It'll be an adventure, I'm sure. Please come visit me there...I will need some male interaction to balance out 600 women.
Anyhoo, I absolutely cannot wait until you come back to Waco!! For Summer Institute - the fancy name for Hall Director Training - we will have a "get to know Baylor" session and would like a Chamber member (aka YOU) to lead out with that and maybe a campus tour. I'm sure we can squeeze some time out of your busy scheudle for that - or at least I hope. I can't imagine doing it myself - and the thought of that must make you squirm!! lol Anyhoo, I love you lots and miss you bunches!!
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