lundi 12 octobre 2009

C'est une Vidéo!

This is a video blog! Click on the two videos to see what has been going on over the past week! You might notice a red spot on my head. DON'T WORRY! I just shaved my unibrow!

5 commentaires:

Carly a dit…

I laughed out loud at the French versus American handwriting part. It's so true!

Beth a dit…

Sitting in YOUR chair right now listening to your beautiful singing voice! Good to "see" you, cole!

Anonyme a dit…

LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!! I really enjoyed seeing your face! I've really missed you and think those kids you teach are so lucky to have such a "character" as their teacher!! I always learned a lot from teachers who were fun!

So a quick update on my life - since this is how we communicate...I took a 2 half days and 2 full days off over the last week to head home to the farm to visit the family. We spent a lot of time preparing for our annual church homecoming bazaar - a big fundraiser - country style! :) Mom and granny taught me how to make homemade cinnamon raisin rolls and fruit kolaches. YUM! I ate some for you! The weather has been icky, but the cold and rain didn't keep the crowds away - which was good for the bazaar! It was a very successful day.

Currently, Ruthies Butt Hut is leaking something' and the entire first floor of Collins and my apartment smell like sewage!! So appetizing - seriously, today it really is RUTHIE's BUTT HUT!

Oh, there's a cupcake place somewhere in town. Lara Conrad got some cupcakes for the RHD meeting today. Over the last few times where people have brough them to events, I've sampled a strawberry, peanutbutter, and vanilla cupcake. Today I had CHERRY!!!!!!! MMMMMMMMM!!! It was delicious!! I now want to search online for cherry cupcake recipes! Oh so yummy!

Anyhoo...Sharia came to visit last weekend. I got to see her briefly, but hope she gets to come for homecoming. She's not sure she'll have the time to take off. Adam is still job searching and I hope he gets a job out there soon so they can be together.

Well, I love you, miss you, and your videos really made me smile tonight. :) Talk to you soon!


Elizabeth a dit…

LLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVED skyping with you on Sunday and then LOOOOOOOOOOOOVVVEEEEED your video blogs. You've inspired me. Perhaps I'll make videos in the future. Cole Casper: always setting trends. :-)

Anonyme a dit…

Cole Casper!! It was so good to see your videos! You always put so much life into the words you speak. When I heard you talking about your bank woes I was getting upset myself! I mean, come on...just get it together Frenchies! For serious! Also, about the teaching, I agree with Meredith...I remember the teachers that seemed to like what they were doing and made it interesting for us. Keep at it even when you walk away feeling like you're not sure what you're doing there!

I'm planning to go up to Baylor for Homecoming in a few weeks and I'm pretty excited. I'm sad that I won't be able to share in the 100th Homecoming Celebration with the always enthusiastic Cole but I will enjoy some of it for you, k? :o)

I'd better get going. I just wanted to drop in and see how you're doing. Miss you much, friend!
