I recently received an e-mail from the French Embassy in Washington D.C.:
Dear Future Teaching Assistant,
Congratulations! We are very pleased to inform you that you have been accepted into the French Teaching Assistantship Program for the 2009-2010 academic year, sponsored by the French Ministry of Education.
You have been placed in the Académie of Versailles. You will be assigned to one or more schools in the region, however please note that your school(s) will not necessarily be located in the city of “Versailles." You can find out more information about your particular Académie d’affectation at the following website: http://www.ac-versailles.fr/
In June, you will receive a letter directly from your Académie containing your “Arrêté de Nomination.” This document will provide essential information, including the name(s) and address(es) of the school(s) where you will teach, the length of your contract, level of instruction, and your contact person’s information. Please note that I do not know yet where you will be assigned within the Académie, nor can I change your placement.
Please confirm by e-mail whether you will accept the offered position as a Teaching Assistant in France. If your plans have changed and you are no longer able to participate in this year’s program, we ask that you let us know immediately so that we can offer the post to another candidate on the waiting list. Should you resign from this year’s program, we cannot guarantee your future acceptance into the program as deferment is not an option.
We look forward to hearing from you and félicitations!
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